Zephyrhills, Florida, is home to a large and active Methodist community that dates back more than a century. In 1912, with the blessing of the district of the Florida Conference, Reverend N. J. Hawley began holding meetings and ministering to a small group of individuals. It was this dedicated group that eventually organized our present church.

After holding meetings in several locations, the Livingston Fund assisted in building the first sanctuary in Jacksonville, which was dedicated by Bishop Luther B. Wilson on January 10, 1915.

At that time, our church bell was purchased and installed in the belfry of the first sanctuary. Construction of Stephens Memorial Hall began in 1922 and was finished in 1924. After much planning and construction, our present sanctuary opened to the public on June 13, 1963. The bell was then transferred to this new belfry.

The 1963 sanctuary and all subsequent structures were overseen by Roger Sibley, Sr., the construction supervisor. Karl J. Mueller created and made our beautiful stained glass windows, and Leonid Neczwid, a resident painter of Zephyrhills, painted them. A number of enhancements and additions have been made throughout the years, such as the church office and the Roger L. Sibley, Sr. Building, which was constructed in 1985. As well as the Cooper Hall, which was renamed the Floyd W. Cooper Hall and was built in 1973. And finally, the Henry L. Kinnard Chapel and Christian Education Building were also constructed in 1978–79.

Our church's ministries have always been instrumental in connecting with the community, whether it be through music, missions, prayer groups, Bible study groups, Sunday school classes, and countless other initiatives. We're excited that we can have such a positive impact on our local community.

Get to know us better by joining us for one of our worship services this Sunday!
Contemporary Service 9:30am
Traditional Service 11:00am


9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Monday through Thursday

Copyright ©2024
Created by Energyhill
Worship Passionately.
Love Extravagantly.
Witness Boldly.

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Worship Passionately.
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