Some missions we have helped with are:
Habitat for Humanity
Sunrise Dade City
Henderson Settlement
Mission trip to Cuba
Christmas for Haiti
Zephyrhills’ High School Advocacy Program
Sager Brown UMCOR
Our own Food Pantry
Agape Flights
To our sister church:
I am the pastor of the United Methodist Church in Amancio, Cuba. My name is Alexander Pérez Tamés. I am 41 years old. I live with my wife and my daughter. My wife’s name is Yamilé Ramirez Garcia. She is 42 years old. My daughter’s name is Yailin Pérez Ramirez. She is 15 years old. We were missionaries during our early years in the Eastern part of the country, in an area with many mountains. We raised a Church and we constructed a Temple and a house for the Pastors there. We were officially named Pastors in 2005. We have been in Amancio since November 2011. We already attended the Annual Conference in Las Tunas District. In the analysis of the results, we are running ahead of every Church. We came in first place in everything. We had the highest total attendance of Christians in all of the services of the Church. We have different services now, such as: a Prayer Service, a Deliverance Service, a Miracles and Signs service, and Sunday School to name a few. We have opened several missions. We are training the missionaries. We are working in a special way with the youth, praying to raise an anointed congregation of youngsters.
The Church is now involved in a “Watch of Prayer.” We are praying 24 hours a day asking for God’s presence in our lives, our services and our town. We are having Prophetic Services prophesizing our town for Christ, a Christian radio program to bless our town and preach the gospel, and a space on the internet to preach Jesus to the world. God’s kingdom is being expanded in our town and the shadows are getting back. We have broken 89 satanic altars and their owners have become Christians. We are thinking about making a CD about it, with these persons giving their personal testimonies on the matter.
We have increased our prayers for you and for your congregation. My wife and I do it every day at 5:00 a.m. Is there any special thing you want us to pray for? Despite the fact that my wife and I have been here for a short time, I want you to know that we are very thankful, as well as our congregation, for everything we know you have done for us. We are sure you have done your best and it has required a great effort. If God has joined us in this strong relationship, He has a purpose for it. You have helped us in a spiritual and material way, and we have tried to respond to our commandment in a spiritual way because it is what we can do. God knows what the future holds. We do want to maintain this brotherhood with your church, and you can be sure that every cent you send to our Church will be used in what it has been sent for – the work on the Lord’s affairs. I have learned to respect God and His children who honor him.
I thank God for our sister Odalys, and for the time she has devoted to maintain this relationship, and for her translations. I felt hopeless about our brotherhood some time ago because of our difficult situations, but she encouraged me to continue trying.
I want to declare upon you a word of multiplication and the anointed power of the Holy Spirit on the services of your Church. We have some projects for the future: to buy the land beside the Church for classrooms and other facilities; and to improve the Pastor’s house, or to move to another home nearer to the Church with better conditions – especially for our guests and visitors. I send our love and gratitude to you and to your congregation. We are going to send pictures for you to see how things are working here.
In Christ’s love.